The new points test awards more points to certain higher level qualifications as higher level qualifications generally result in increased earning capacity. 新的打分系统对一些高学历给予更多的分数是因为高学历通常带来收益能力的提高。
Actively cultivate new points of economic growth 积极培育新的经济增长点
The new points test recognises higher level qualifications obtained in Australia and overseas. 新的打分系统看重在澳大利亚和海外获得的高学历。
The new points test will not affect the processing of visas at these sites. 新的打分系统不会影响这两个地方签证审理中心的签证审理。
The new points test includes changes to age ranges. 新的打分系统包含了对不同年龄范围打分的变化。
The new points test will benefit experienced and skilled offshore applicants with high level qualifications and strong English language skills. 学历高、英语好、经验丰富且技能娴熟的海外申请者将从新的计分方法中获益。
This paper sums up some new points about the scanning circuit, like the compensating state and jumping in the cluster of non-linearity coefficient. 本文综述了补偿状态和非线系数曲线中的跳变等有关扫描电路的新论要点。
His speech brought in some new points. 他的演说介绍了一些新观点。
Liam Byrne, immigration minister said: "our new points system means that British jobseekers get the first crack of the whip and that only the skilled migrants we actually need will be able to come." 英国移民部长利亚姆伯恩(liambyrne)表示:“我们的新积分制度意味着英国求职者会优先得到工作,而且只有我们真正需要的技术移民才能进入英国。”
The new points and thoughts for the whole development of inserted rock bits based on CAE have practical guiding significance. 为深入开展硬质合金凿岩钎具的CAE研究提出了新的思路。
This article comments on the ecological studying of Thoreau from the19 century till now, analyses the characteristics of the different periods, introduces much new information on Thoreau studying and makes comment and Analysis on much new points of the ecological criticism. 摘要本文评述19世纪至今生态视角的梭罗研究,分析其不同阶段的研究特征,系统介绍了许多梭罗研究新材料,评析了许多生态批评新观点。
It's extraordinary how one gets new points of view by talking over things! 讨论问题竟能使人取得这样新颖的观点,真了不起。
The new points test gives more recognition to applicants who have more extensive skilled work experience, either in Australia or overseas. 新的打分系统对于申请人无论是在澳大利亚还是海外所获得的丰富的工作经验给予更多的认可。
Moreover, with the development of Modern Logic, there are some new points of views about this topic. 并且,随着现代逻辑的发展,对“命题”的内涵有一些新的理解。
High-quality economic growth means the economy is driven by new points of growth rather than old ones, and an improving economic structure will support it. 高质量的经济增长意味着经济是受到新的增长点驱动,改进经济结构会有所支持。
This article has got some new points according to a lot of field-lease contracts belong to Old Babylon Period. 以古巴比伦时期的土地租赁契约对土地租赁中的租金问题进行分析研究,可得出一些新的研究成果。
Then, the dynamic impedances of rigidly-capped pile groups with due consideration to pile-soil-pile interaction for vertical oscillations are produced. These new points are completed in the equation of motion of the interaction between pile groups and raft foundations. 并据此研究了在成层地基中的桩-桩动力相互作用因子,然后推导了群桩刚性承台竖向动力阻抗。并提出承台板-群桩动力相互作用模型,然后推得其动力相互作用方程。
For example, in the field of market competition in 21 century there are many new points: Product life cycle is shorter, product variety become more and more, in opposition client's demands in goods and services are much higher. 单就市场竞争而言,21世纪的竞争又有了新的特点:产品寿命周期越来越短、产品品种越来越多、对交货期的需求越来越高、对产品和服务的期望越来越高。
Studying the relational methods that deal with the modeling of the ship and crashworthy installation; comparing the accuracy of different simplify ways, advancing some new points on how to deal with the fluid force effect on the ship when colliding. 研究了船舶及防撞套箱模型化处理的相关方法,比较了船舶不同简化方法的精确性,讨论了船碰过程中流体介质的影响并对处理这种影响的方法提出了新的观点。
Its growth, there-fore, is of great significance to the promotion of cultural industry, the cultivation of new points of economic growth and the elevation of comprehensive municipal competitiveness. 发展动漫产业对于推动文化产业发展,培育新的经济增长点,提升城市综合竞争力都具有重要意义。
If Chinese enterprises can effectively make use of e-commerce and cyber marketing, they will incorporate enterprise resources much better and find new points of profit growth. 我国企业如果能有效地开展电子商务和网络营销,将会更好地整合企业资源,寻找到新的利润增长点。
New Points on Treatment of Open Articular Injury-41 Cases Report 开放性关节损伤治疗的新观点及41例体会
To insert new points by getting intersection point of circle defined by the triangulation's three vertices and constraint line. 二是在约束线上插入点时,应用取三角形外接圆与特征线交点的方法。
There are three new points of views on the integration of key elements of urban agglomeration development: the integration of urban development and natural elements; 在城市群区总体发展的关键要素整合方面提出了三个新观点:①城市发展与自然要素的整合;
At last, the innovation of the regulation is investigated in the new economy condition. Many new points are discussed for Internet, WTO and coming into the market. 最后,提出了新经济条件下保险业信息披露制度的改进与创新,适应互联网、入世和上市要求提出了全新的观点,为保险业信息披露制度的建立和完善提供借鉴。
Some new points of view about the reliability, the rate of trouble were put forward. 对可靠性、故障率及可用率分析方面提出了新的见解。
The new points of the research: 1. According to the WAXS, the microstructure of basalt fiber is studied. 本研究的主要创新点:1.由WAXS实验结果对玄武岩纤维的微观结构进行了探讨;
The dissertation discusses the topics on price game, effective incentives, mechanism design, optimum offer, optimum comprehensive evaluation model and different types of collusion, participated by the concerning parties during the process of competitive negotiation jointly or independently and proposes some new points and methods. 本文围绕竞争性谈判采购过程中参与各方共同或独立涉及价格博弈、有效激励、机制设计、优化报价、综合评审模型择优以及各类串谋现象等内容进行了讨论,提出了一些新观点、新方法。
New Points About the Opening of Chinese Insurance Market 对中国保险市场开放的新思考
This paper classifies E commerce related industries into several main categories in terms of function, and briefly analyses the present status of development, the gap between China and other nations, and new points of potential growth for this industry. 本文对电子商务相关产业从功能角度进行了分类,并对各产业类的发展现状、国内外的差距、新兴的产业生长点等作了简要的分析。